The Financial Policy Council provides attendees with remarkable access to the insights of knowledgeable speakers and VIP guests, Including top players in Wall Street, key policymakers, academics, and members of the media.

Ziad K Abdelnour and members of the Financial Policy Council
March 31st 2010 marked the kickoff of our First Event at the Financial Policy Council held at the Metropolitan Club. The Event was aPended by around 70 of the most prominent members in the New York financial services community Including G. Chris Andersen from Andersen Partners, Alan Patrick of from Greycrob Partners, David Ying from Evercore Partners, Steve Norris from Gulf Capital Partners and many more private equity, hedge funds and other Wall Street senior executives. Keynote speakers were Congressman Scott Garret (R-NJ) and Michael LewiP; President & CEO of Harch Capital Management.
Keynote Speakers:
-Dr. Yaron Brook, Executive Director, Ayn Rand Institute
“Free Market Revolution: The Solution to what Ails America Today”
-Dr. Edward Stringham, Professor, Author
“Private Regulation as an alternative to Government Regulation”
-Scott A. Hodge, President The Tax Foundation
“Can Our Tax Code be Transformed from a Tool for Redistribution, to
an Engine for Economic Growth?”
-Morty Davis, Chairman D.H. Blair Investment Banking Corp
“Entrepreneurism – The Secret Formula for Making the Future World a
Better Place”
-Executive Producer : Tyler Whitney
Private Screening of the Soon to be Released Movie “The Bubble”
-Tom Rossman, Insitutional Advisor
“Why Washington is so dysfunctional and how we solve that serious
problem permanently.”
-Fred Smith, President/Founder of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
“Countering the Assault on Capitalism and Defending the Market in
an Anti-Market World”
-Adam Frank, Head of Wealth Management JP Morgan Securities
“The Fiscal Cliff : Getting Ahead of Rising Taxes”
-Congressman Jim Moody and DC Councilman Jack Evans
“Taxes, Policy and the Economy”
-Allen Schwalb, Founder and President; Star Partners Inc.
“Economics of Major Feature Films and Sports Industry in an
Uncertain Economy”
-Keith Jurow
“Why There Is No Bottom In Sight For Housing”
-Congressman Nan Hayworth
“The Budget Deficit and How To Deal With It”
-Keith Crane – Director RAND Corporation
“Renewable Energy: Challenges, Opportunities, Costs”
-Gal Luft – Executive Director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
“The Fiscal Conservation Path to Energy Security”
-Herb London – President Emeritus: Hudson Institute
“Thinking About the Future”
-Constance Hunter – Managing Director and Chief Economist: Aladdin Capital
“The Fiscal Imperative: Selling Austerity as Growth and Debt as Armageddon”
-Jim Gilmore III – Former 68th Governor of Virginia
“Freeze, Grow, Fix – A National Financial Policy for America’s Future”
-John LeBoutillier – Political Columnist NEWSMAX.COM
“How the Coming GOP-Tea Party Civil War Over the National Debt Will Imperil the Economic Recovery”
-Victor Sperandeo – President & CEO Alpha Financial Technologies Inc
“Hyperinflation: A Statistical Inevitability”
-Professor Burton A. Abrams – Ph.D. University of Delaware
“Wreckonomics: U.S. Fiscal Policy at Work”
-“Washington Meets Wall Street”