When investors approach you and say that they want to invest money in your company, how do you know whose…
The World Bank. The IMF. The Federal Reserve. These are just some of the central financial institutions that ensure that…
Real estate is not rocket science, and the only barrier to entry is capital. Quite frankly, the majority of real…
If you are raising money, you may encounter the phrases ‘smart’ and ‘dumb money’, as a way to describe different…
I guess it is just much easier to forecast good news than bad ones; for good news occurs rarely by…
I believe the American economy's fate near term will be mainly determined by the Saudi-Russian power play in the making.…
Some people grow, other people swell. You’d better figure out who you are. — John Weinberg, Senior partner and chairman,…
I am a serial entrepreneur, investor and financier. I have been practicing my craft for around three decades now. I…
It is a fact that out of a world population of 7.1 billion people on the planet and just over…
There’s a legitimate debate right now about what America should do about ISIS, Syria and the Middle East at large.…